Saturday, June 27, 2009


In order to facilitate a allergen free lifestyle, I bought a food processor... and got a free bread maker.

I got a Cuisinart DLC-2011BCN Prep 11 Plus Food Processor, Brushed Chrome. I went on consumer reports and it had great reviews. I figured it was worth the investment. I love salsa but since I am now allergic to bell peppers, I need to make my own. I also love hummus, pesto, my own home fries etc. It was expensive but I think its worth it.

I went on freecycle dc and posted a wanted add for a bread maker. Thankfully someone felt pity for me and gave me one that was collecting dust. I'm not 100% sure if it works yet but I plugged it in and it turned on. It's a Breadman.

Honestly, I'm super excited about my new appliances.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

- soy

Soy free bread sucks. It sucks hardcore. I found loaf of soy free bread at Whole Foods and it blows. It's full of seeds. I feel like a fucking bird when I eat it. The bread crunches.... not like, "hey this bread has been toasted crunchy".. no, cause that could be good.. Its more like crunch, "oh god what is that? Did i just chip a tooth? Was there dirt in my bread?" type of crunch. gross. I need a bread machine. Any advise?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Roasted olives

I love olives. I love the salty brine-y full of flavor goodness.

Take 2 containers of gooooood olives
Tons of herbs: Rosemary, sage, thyme, what have you
Grate some lemon rind
Put them in a pan with some olive oil
roast at 350 degrees for 2o min.
Till their texture changes a bit so some of the olives almost blister

You can put them on anything.. crusty bread, on top of salmon, on top of baked potatoes.

Places I can't eat

McDonald's -

Everything has soy. welll... I can eat a strawberry sunday. That's it. Lame :/

Although, after reading the ingredients maybe that's okay? eh?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Steak w a port wine mushroom sauce

I made steak with the roasted cauliflower so here is the other half of the meal.

Steak on a grill pan with a port wine mushroom sauce

Steak. Dude. Has to be quality. None of this dyed pink shit. Go get yourself a solid stake. like so...


Pull out your steak and liberally season it with salt and pepper
let it sit out for 10 min to bring the steak to room temp (I don't know why, it just works)
Heat up your pan to med - hi

Sprinkle a drop of oil, if it bounces back but doesn't smoke then its a good temp. If its smoking then pull you pan off for a min or two, to let it cool down
Throw on the steak, make sure it sizzles!
Turn after 4 min then cook a bit more to your desired temp
Place on counter to rest for a few min

Mushroom sauce
Prep your shooms! They are dirty birds.
Take a wet paper towel and rub them down :purrrrrrrrrrrr:
Chop the dry part of the stems off
Quarter the shooms for the sauce

Saute them in olive oil till they get a bit squishy
Add a half of cup or so of port wine or any wine really
let the sauce reduce for a few min
pour over steak and love it

Roasted Cauliflower

Roasted Cauliflower


1 Head of cauliflower
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon of sesame oil
2 tablespoons of really good balsamic vinegar
small pinch of smoke salt
lots of pepper to taste

Turn on oven at 350 degrees


chop up cauliflower in thin bites and place in large bowl
put the everything else in bowl with the cauliflower
toss and let marinate for 10 - 20 min

Layer the marinated cauliflower on a cookie sheet or pan with aluminium foil
Be sure to only have 1 layer of marinated cauliflower
do not put the florets it on top of each other

Cook for 20 min at 350 and turn oven up to 400 for 10 or so min

Stir occasionally
Watch the over closely once you turn the temp up. Your looking for a roasted caramelized product... not too caramelized.

Enjoy! This is a super easy, allergen free side dish.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

why, hello there

First entry

What to say? I guess I'll start from the beginning. I have food allergies. I have bizarre food allergies. From what I remember, this all started when I was about 15 or so. My throat started itching when I ate some carrots and dip. I am tired of reading books and websites that have little to no advice to for me. Leaky gut? My ass. Wheat intolerance? Nope, not me. Eggs? Nope! and THANK GOD. I LOVE eggs. Really. I have an unhealthy obsession. Yeah, not joking. I tried to buy a rug online that looked like a sunny side up egg (it didn't work out). Anyways.

My goal:
To create recipes for people like me. Also, to compile a running list of restaurants and food products that won't kill me - maybe you too.

Things I am allergic to:
Bell Peppers
Green Beans
(to be amended)

Things that will kill me: Raw carrots, Raw celery, maybe peanuts (unprocessed)

Things to know. I swear. I swear a lot. I might decide to tone it down but to be honest, I'm probably not. I am sassy. I am Miss Sassy pants. I can cook. I am actually good but here is my fault, I don't measure ANYTHING. But I will make a serious attempt.

I do intend to keep this going even if no one reads this because this is for me. This is my life. This is my daily hell or daily blessing. Right now, I'm anxious when I eat. I don't want to die from a carrot, anything but a figgen carrot. My tongue swells up, my throat swells, I have trouble breathing, my heart races. I become sweaty, and panicky - I feel like I'm dying. My boyfriend gives my googly eyes and wonders if he should call 911. This experience is NOT Kosher. I do not want to repeat it. It might be repeated, but I will avoid it as much as I can without becoming crazy..ish...